Sunday, October 28, 2012

My favorite time of the year!

Ahhh.... I love fall and the smell of crisp fresh cold air that starts to circulate around this time. It smells like pumpkins and apple spice mixed with fresh school books.
Gabe and I kicked off the season with apple picking in Oak glen a few weeks ago. I love the picturesque little farms with names like "willow brook " or "Riley's farm". They sound so homey and countrified. Of course sprinkled among cute farms were also farms with less cute names that killed my romantic daydreaming; farms with names like "Los rios rancho". They just didn't have that quaint ring to it. I wanna go to a farm and fantasize that there is some old lady in the farmhouse hand churning butter, baking pies and scrapbooking.
Either way the day was fun and the weather was perfect. We only picked a handful of apples but we gorged ourselves on apple cider donuts from snow line orchard and later regrettably feasted on what can only be described as fair food meets diner food. We spent a good deal of time exploring shops and searching for the perfect little eatery with the best home made pies. What we inevitably found was something akin to Lake arrowheads "Santas Village" except toned down 10 degrees and lacking the whole Santa motif. We arrived at Apple Annie's Bakery and restaurant only to get ourselves lost trying to find it on the map. After much wandering we stumbled aross a makeshift fair set up to look like a snowy mountain village complete with vendors selling dream catchers and geodes as well as a walk through petting zoo consisting mostly of ducks. A hand-painted sign advertised pony rides on tired, sedated looking little horses. We considered heading into the little fair but our tummies were pushing us towards food so after a little hike and several blisters on my heels (I wore the stupidest shoes) we were greeted by the fabled bakery and a long line of ravenous pie consumers.
    After glancing at the menu and being let down by iceberg cobb salad and pictures of unlovingly made sandwiches and various fried foods I played it safe and stuck with a salad. No one wants a tummy attack on a 2 hour ride home. Gabe ordered the grilled cheese and fries which was served on 1 inch thick bread slices of buttery cheesy, goodness. He sickened himself to say the least as I happily devoured my grease free salad.

We plan to return close to thanksgiving so I can flex my old lady pie making skillz. Oak glen is a place that demands to be explored. We only touched on a few areas on the map but we missed out on an animal museum/ indoor zoo thing and the schoolhouse museum.

Below are some pics from our adventure!!..I got lots of Gabe stuffing his face :)

We wandered about halfway into this secret garden-esque entrance but it got quite marshy and my ill fitting sandals were not equipped for a hike. There's nothing as thrilling as trespassing though.
The grilled cheese sandwich..extra grease
we each got a sack of  one dozen mini apple cider donuts and apple cider to drink. We were on sugar highs and well...gabe loves his cinnamon.
so gross yet so delicious!

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