Monday, December 10, 2012

A Month in Review

Tis the season...but alas there is no snow. I can't help but feel a bit cheated with it being the second week of December and I have yet to make one snow angel. Just a few hours more and Chicago will break its record for most no measurable snow days since the 1920's (280 days to be exact). Enough with the history lesson...just remember me griping about no snow when it is April and still freezing.

We completely skipped the last month on here, so let me catch you up to speed. The beginning of the month was pretty nondescript besides my wonderful husband growing his annual creeper-stache (also known as a Movember mustache). It’s gained a lot of popularity since he first started, but every November men go all Tom Sellek and sprout hair on their upper lips somehow in support/awareness for prostate cancer. It’s a good cause, but doesn’t take away from a month worth of sandpaper kisses and sex through squinted eyelids.

The last several years we have forfeited on the trip back home for the most expensive  Thanksgiving dinner ever and have become someone else’s Thanksgiving orphans to feed. This year, I was lucky enough to have my sister and her boyfriend fly out to visit us for Thanksgiving. Eeek!...Quickly figure out how to make a passable meal and host a dinner in our shoebox of an apartment. Really though, everything went wonderfully. We were able to play tourists in our own city in between work and had a great time. Nothing like having guests in town to make a work week more bearable. The dinner really was a joint effort and turned out very well….if I do say so myself.

The month ended how it began….in mustaches. Nate was able to raise a decent amount of money for prostate awareness, which awarded us two tickets to a mustache-a-ganda.  Imagine a room full of facial hair adorned men…by most standards a party fail…but in this case a real treat.Everyone was encouraged to dress as their favorite mustachioed characters. We went twenties style, but we were amongst old timey bartenders, Mario brothers,Cowboys, Ron Burgundy’s, sea captains, and Vikings galore. We sipped on Fosters cans, made mustache T-shirts, and danced to an 80s style party band dressed as famed Bears coach Mike Ditka. A good time to be had by most.

I think that sums up the most enjoyable bits of the month. More to come.

…enjoy some mustache-tastic photos I snapped from the event....

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